Monday, April 23, 2012

Blog-Related Announcement. And, Philanthropic Tyranny (cf. Annie E. Casey...)

This is for the people wanting a change of dynamics in LACKAWANNA COUNTY particularly the Family Court Forum:  (reader warning:  this post will probably insult you; which should be taken as a sign of caring -- and hope that it may provoke some change, and help you put up a more targeted fight against the local corruption and systems in place to deprive you of time, life, liberty, property (what's left) and possibly contact with your children.

If that's already happened, and your anger about it is awake (alternative -- go numb and passive), let that anger drive some focus, and also charge up the brains as well -- you'll need them fully operational, to identify (quickly) dead-end approaches, and relationships with fools or time-wastes that could sabotage any mission.

(Go talk to a Marine if the terminology is unclear.  And start thinking in terms of making their and other armed forces sacrifices for something worthwhile -- our USA legal system, and justice protecting freedom.  No justice = no freedom.  Out-come based court proceedings =/= justice, and thats what you have presently.  CHANGE IT, or let that be your legacy to any offspring).

What follows is a "rant."  However, because I've got a lot of good information inside me, from years of these fights, plus awareness of which fights are distractions, it's still I think a good post.

I am active on a number of blogs, a forum or so, and also respond to on-line news articles relating to these topics.  I put a lot of effort into "getting the word out" -- and consider this a public service, while continuing to educate myself on the matters by continuing to research them.

I set up this blog at the specific request of a Scranton, Pennsylvania reform-minded parent, because -- as I'm told -- residents are simply not interested in the larger picture, they want it connected to their own county.  It also had to be really straightforward and simple (understandable -- considering my other blogs), aimed at a "third-grade" reading level.

I regret to inform you that that dog ain't gonna hunt.  And I am looking for a pack, at least, of skilled hunter-gatherers with a quarry in sight, and ready to move on it.

I have done enough groundwork (sorry it's not in powerpoints, outlines, and with enough graphics to make the point).   No one gets convinced of a truth by being spoonfed -- because it wasn't chewed up, eaten, and assimilated to produce some internal insight.

The truths -- when you see them -- are not too complex (they are frightening) -- but it takes work to get the point of seeing the simplicity of patterns.  And anyone who refuses to consider how statewide-nationwide affects Lackwanna-wide is not adult enough -- or ready yet -- to play in the game which is a CHALLENGING one.

There are also no rewards for passive, or unable to process at this time.

The blog will remain up, but I'm pretty much through with it, after this post. I'll be more ready to blog at the other ones this company has been made aware of.

The traffic here is pretty low and I have a feeling that some of it comes not from parents, but from the court personnel I'm reporting on.

Statcounter shows they are searching on a specific judge, by name (i.e., how people come to the site).  I've extended  // stretched my blogging skills to set up a comments & forum feature here, to assemble the links, and keep a post or two coming out.

From what I can see, many parents (how many is unclear) are still hanging out at the Scranton Political Times to watch the circus sideshow of Joe (and his multiple on-line persona) versus Joanne (for all I know -- ditto, though I tend to doubt it).  Occasionally this is redirected into badmouthing individual players in the court arena locally.

That forum is not stable because its owners are warring.  Posts and threads and comments are going up -- and down -- and up -- and down again.   I started a thread called GAL schematics using information any one of these parents could've also grabbed from on-line and posted themselves (the 54 page powerpoint showing how the Auto-GAL situation was set up).

It appears that Mr. Pilchesky, in addition to his exposing corruption locally in this manner (and I admit that he has) and supporting his romantic partner in court hearings, castigating people who screw up the case (whether judge or attorney) and so forth -- is intending to use some of this buzz and publicity to write a book as well.

I know some people are following the overall material (from private messages).

This is for the people wanting a change of dynamics in LACKAWANNA COUNTY particularly the Family Court Forum:

  • The personnel who set up Unified Courts, change the justice system into dispensing parenting classes and other therapy, and have been extorting you for so long -- are doing so with reasoning that is about the level of a third-grader mentality (which that GAL presentation shows).

  • They are not independent thinkers but smart enough to follow their own who simply repeat the same material over and over again in very slightly different forms with perhaps a degree thrown in for effect.

  • They are experts at forming nonprofit front groups to make themselves look more "right" and bigger than they are.  This is done in the animal kingdom through hair or feathers to frighten of competitors or enemies.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Luzerne County: (Big Scandal==>Press==>Desired Legal Changes)

This is Luzerne County bleeding over into Lackawanna County.  Why?  Nonprofits know no county borders -- they have a national agenda.  In the case of NACC etc. it is to put more counsels for children on the job.

I started this thread over on "Regional" At Scranton Political Times after catching the Juvenile Law Center's posting of two news releases -- legislative changes in the aftermath of this embarrassing publicity for Pennsylvania.

Don't ever believe everything you read in a newspaper, particularly not a MSM one.   I'm keeping my eye on this particular nonprofit.

Rest of thread over there, including the 990s.  If you want to read a whole bunch of other children's rights groups (and their nonprofit 990s), I also just slapped up a few over at "The Family Court Franchise System" today (04-21-2012).  There's a link on the comment below here (which is mine):



(See also info on "GAL schematics" under main message board.  This all ties together. Remember, a group called NACC has a policy promoting put a chicken in every pot (just kiddin') and a Children's Rights' attorney in almost every child's life.  Public can pay for this, OK?)
The 3 areas of practice (NACC) are:   Juvenile Justice, Child Welfare, and Child Custody
If you work with children as an attorney, judge, administrator, care provider, physician, therapist, social worker, teacher, law enforcement office, or are simply a concerned citizen and want to improve your effectiveness while improving the system, the NACC is your organization.
Membership in the NACC is $100 annually. As a member, you will have access to NACC services and member only areas of our website and your dues will support a cause you believe in. To join, click NACC Membership on the menu to begin the registration process. For more information, contact the NACC office by calling toll free 888-828-NACC or
Adopted NACC Board of Directors, August 24, 2011
Candace Barr John Ciccolella Robert Fellmeth  (SAN DIEGO) Gerard Glynn Leslie Starr Heimov H.D. Kirkpatrick
Stephanie Ledesma Jane Okrasinski Erik Pitchal Henry J. Plum Robert Redfearn Janet Sherwood
Tamara Steckler John Stuemky Sonia Velasquez Linda Weinerman Christopher Wu  (SF)

Read this:
APRIL 09, 2012
Dave Bohman, WNEP
The so-called kids for cash scandal tarnished the Luzerne County courthouse, and Monday Governor Tom Corbett attempted to lift a little of the stain left behind by the corruption by signing two new bills into law.
He did it in the courthouse in Wilkes-Barre where two former judges ran their kids for cash scheme for several years.
We are taking action, you are taking action to prevent injustice to our children, the governor told a group of about 70 people gathered in the Luzerne County Courthouses main atrium. The governor believes the new laws will help erase the stain of a sordid chapter in Pennsylvania`s legal history.
The kids for cash scandal involved former Luzerne County judges Michael Conahan and Mark Ciavarella who took kickbacks for sentencing juveniles to private lockups.
Its unfortunate we got to this situation, said the governor.
{{SURE -- it was just misfortune and not negligence or pervasive corruption that set up the situation}}
He came to the courthouse in Wilkes-Barre to sign into law two bills that put checks and balances on juvenile courts across the state.
  • One mandates judges state on-the-record the reasons for terms of the sentence
  • The other requires most juveniles to have legal representation at detention hearings.
That's the NACC (etc. ) agenda -- more representation will solve the problem.  I have a problem with that because in Luzerne, Walter Griffiths had to clean up double-billing from a court-appointed attorney (Angela Stevens) for indigent population.
Anything "Indigent" is too much below the radar-- do the indigent get to track where funding for their own services went, or know how to?  We're talking federal funding flow....
Does putting a law on the books ENFORCE the law on the books?  Does having a court-appointed attorney ensure vigorous representation?   

then read this:
APRIL 11, 2012
Op-ed, Wilkes-Barre Times Leader

Schematic-- A Handful of Children's Rights Networks, and Their 990s

This comment transmigrated from a thread over at Scranton Political Times.  I'm trying to explain that their local problems stem from nationwide networks.  Interesting learning for all.

CAI / NACC // FIRST STAR -- etc.  How will people hear children's actual voices over the din of groups speaking for them?

Also, while I note that many of these surely are necessary and doing the right thing -- so kids in foster care have at least some one to help -- merging family court cases into this as a category (which NACC) does is just WRONG.

The First Star & Child Advocacy Institute association is troubling.  Both groups actually started out more as anti-trust in the energy business (Wm. Fellmeth -- San Diego / / Sherry Quirk, D.C.  For more on Sherry Quirk, I believe Liz Richards (of, you can contact) may have met her personally and have some insight on where this all plays out when it comes to "Children's Rights."

I also note that the group "CRC" (Children's Rights Council) has a real bad rap among protective mothers, as they are running the insistence on access and visitation with abusers, no matter what, and known to have affiliations in overlapping family court-driving organizations (like AFCC, etc.).

I am starting to wonder why, with all the specialized "rights" groups, the BILL of RIghts in the US Constitution wasn't good enough to spell things out?

And how much of the real purpose of these groups is to collaborate on moving wealth around. 

AND maybe keep your eye on the Juvenile Justice Institute and its affiliations.
People should comment on the news articles linked above.  They're promo pieces for the institutions involved.

Wanna Talk Turkey, not Gobble Up Time990finder Lackawana Family Court Federal
More Links~Less BS and "RICO in a Nutshell
 "Disqus" Comments & Forum Gadget (scroll down, jump in if you want)...**> AFCC in 1987 <** 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Rico in a Nutshell: Thank you, Jeffrey Grell

We have serious problems in the family court arena with an increasing set of services being ordered, by judges, for parents or children to "consume."  There have been complaints in Lackawanna County, reported in the news (2011) of overbilling, forcing parents to pay in cash to see their children (either pay up or you can't see your kid sure sounds to me like a form of extortion!), and (thanks to a Federal Lawsuit exposing how the GALs were assigned) possibly bypassing legal methods for hiring individuals (i.e., Ross/Termini) and letting them operate out of the county courthouse building.

That's why I'm bringing up RICO.  Because that's what it sounds like to me -- it sounds like a pre-planned "racket" of writing laws to accommodate special interests within certain nonprofit groups -- regardless of their impact on the public, including poverty and homelessness, eventually.

It involves MORE than one person, and it involves an appearance of legitimacy to cover up corrupt purposes and illegal acts.  (Read the law for more exact definitions). At the bottom, I list a criminal defense attorney's listing of types of crime that might be involved (whether Federal, Felony, etc.)  

And at the bottom portion of the post, I cite a specific example out of Chicago, which involved an attorney and two police officers, plus the attorneys law firm and the two police departments.  They'd been engaged in previous criminal (i think, racketeering) activity which may sound familiar (i.e., kickbacks for steering cases), but -- having this already in place -- it escalted to planning, executing, and obstructing the investigation of a murder.
(the 3 people involved got caught and incarcerated, incidentally)

It's pretty serious stuff, in other words!   I want people to understand these concepts -- because I believe it's closer to the truth in the family court issues than, and a lot more profitable to screen OUT (if it's NOT occurring) than calling the court professionals bad names, which pretty much is  going to get "reform" nowhere, unless some lawsuits for slander perhaps.  If we are going to be a lawful society, then point out which laws have been violated, matching the facts to the law.

Because family law itself is so UNinterested in "facts" as opposed to psychology (and so forth) -- it would seem that any prosecution or reform efforts, if there HAS been criminal activity -- would relate to things NOT under the province of family law.  That is where there is a more solid standing.  I also believe that if all RICO type activity can be gotten out of this system, it might have a fighting chance of being  decent system.

(That's a long shot, but who knows?)

So, here we go!  Notice the types of criminal acts mentioned as examples here:

From WiseGeek, basic concept:  What is Racketeering?

Racketeering is the act of operating an illegal business or scheme in order to make a profit, perpetrated by a structured group. It is a broad category of criminal acts that includes bribery, sexual exploitation of children, and illegal gambling, among many others. Racketeering is closely associated with organized crime, since both are conducted by groups.
Racketeering encompasses many criminal acts. It includes theft and fraud against businesses or individuals. Governments can be victimized by racketeering; examples include counterfeitingmoney and trading in untaxed alcohol. Racketeering can also take the form of providing illegal services, such as prostitution or drug trafficking. Racketeering also takes place among legitimate businesses or labor unions, where it is sometimes referred to as white-collar crime. Examples include extortion and money laundering.
The criminal organizations who engage in racketeering often have legitimate businesses, for instance licensed gaming establishments or a labor-based business such as garbage collection, in order to provide cover for their rackets. In addition, racketeering is often aided by the bribing, blackmailing, or extortion of public officials or civil servants. Legitimate business owners can be similarly manipulated in order to help criminal groups and their racketeering practices to appear lawful.

Friday, April 6, 2012

"New Rules for Juveniles" -- Each new Crisis Benefits a Pre-Planned Agenda

I hope to keep this post short, after picking up on an article inbetween the verbal sparring and put-downs over at Scranton PT.

The news article highlights a group people should know about:
Juvenile Law Center, "Advancing the rights and well-being of children in jeopardy."

I doubt any crooks (should such exist) running some of the programs parents are protesting have much to fear if that's all they do -- fight each other, and complain about the individuals.  Right now, the FBI can't be seen for dust in the matter (that I'm aware of) and the mainstream media is taking the mainstream/expert point of view.

However,  obviously some fear exists because of the "courthouse roundup" behavior by Judge Margaret Moyle in February 2012, a clear attempt to intimidate protesting locals and make sure they don't bond with any straggling NEW customers about to sign onto the automatic GAL system.

As an outsider, I grab onto clues that for some reason, others are simply not picking up on.  Or at least biting into.

A MAJOR one came from a simple pdf submitted by one of (over 200) comments on the Times-Tribune article about the federal lawsuit.  That's how I found out that the organization "NACC" (National Association of Counsel for Children) -- which I already knew (but not before participating on this forum) was hooked up with AFCC, who basically runs the courts with some help from their friends.  NACC/AFCC was clear enough connection (they'd conferenced together and have common membership right within Lackawanna County.  The GAL people are upset about (when, instead they should be more upset about the system itself) is an NACC member.

So, "Scranton Prof" mentioned a group called "CAI" (Children's Advocate Institute) which is San Diego based, and connected with First Star (Washington D.C. based) and (per the author of has apparently some ties into some of the "Justice for Children" (Eileen King et. al) personnel that "Mothers of Lost Children" and "Centers for Judicial Excellence" have some dealing with.  Who (some of the above) helped take the Linda Marie Sacks case (Florida) up to Superior Court USA where it was rebuffed.  Note:  with great fanfare and not a single mention of the AFCC's ties to supervised visitation racket, i.e.,  reporting on what I report on here -- these nonprofits.

It took a little while -- not exceeding much time -- to figure out approximately where this CAI group was coming in.  They are concerned about poor abused children and believe that assigning more counsel to children in almost any kind of hearing (NOT just dependency hearings for abused kids) will help the children.  This is pretty much what NACC says.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Right Brain/Left Brain? and allegedly 2,700 silenced posters, minus me = 2,699

There are many ways to shut down rational discussion, one of which is by unsupported accusations, as follows.  Another one is by bringing the conversation to an antagonistic debate with no winners because there's no verifiable information to those on the sidelines.  Another is by "triangulating" (example below) by splitting the debate into pro or con of "me -- or her!"

It's selfish, and there are some narcissistic elements in this one. this is not a team player.  In the interchanges (boxes below) one can read two posters:  Joe P. and "Investigating Family Curts" who is the cheerleader, reflecting an off-line liaison.

Until Mr. Pilchesky can make up his mind whether this is a public forum or his personal platform to get at his wife, with the help of his "paramour" (his words), I think on-the-topic, rational discussion may have to happen elsewhere, and I have better things to do with my awake thought-life than deal with it.

And I don't want to continue contributing to the daily "hits" and promote the site.  I've saved most of my own postings on it anyhow.

RE:  Below posts from March, 2012:

If Joanne did silence a full 2,700 posters (any number of which may have been multiple personalities/usernames of Joe, or maybe were not -- but we don't know which) -- this number may have been matched by previous postings of smut, chauvinist remarks to dissidents (including myself), and attempts to derail the conversation through changing the topic to the relationship between the sexes.

There is indeed a major thread missing on the forum -- the Kids 4 Cash thread, a huge one, which talks about Danielle Ross and has posted some of her details.  I also believe that Joanne was afraid that this thread might have been trashed or deleted by Joe once he got a court order to regain access to the forum, post PFA where he was thrown out of his residence = her house.

I believe it will surface again, but if people were activist enough, they'd have processed the information, saved what mattered to them, and figured out a way to act on it.  Maybe several did!

No one likes to believe one has wasted one's time disseminating links and info (case the bread upon the waters, etc.)  and I don't think I did -- but there are ways to cut one's losses.  Hopefully one gets better and faster at this with time, which helps with business success.  Theoretically.

Exhibits first, summary, below:

What we have below is an interchange between what appears to be the current king of the mountain and Scranton Political Times (a message board, forum in existence since 2005 -- not without a legal fight to get it back up after it was improperly shut down, either).  

In late 2011, the Pilchesky domestic matters came to a head, and while it's been portrayed as a blow-for-blow engagement, I don't believe that's the best description.

I got in the middle for only four months of this, and quit the forum (deleted my account) after reading this next post.  There was more context behind it, but this is the basics.  The "ROI" of staying involved simply wasn't high enough.  And when dealing with this level of personality/"narcissism" (?), my idea is, don't further feed the thing!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What a Think Tank Won't Tell You (History, in a Nutshell)


This is the article -- but it's the comment that inspired my posting it:

BY JEREMY G. BURTON (STAFF WRITER)Published: March 10, 2011

I think it sheds light on some of the issues I've seen (from out of state) in Lackawanna County, attempting to communicate on a different level than the "he said/she said, we say/they say, and "Get Ross" language. And on why it seems so hard to convince the average person that it's NOT about the person, it's about the system.

Why are people so uninterested in issues outside the county, outside the state, and not connecting those issues to the local problem?  There ARE such connections, and I have placed, and sometimes connected, the dots; so have others....

 Perhaps demographics are a clue.  

But first, you have to suffer through this explanation:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What's This Blog for? We want your Comments!


Lackawanna County Federal Lawsuit hits the press (Comments welcome)


This blog is not about supporting this or individual litigants in specific cases so they can win their case. It's in the public interest, about dismantling inherently unfair system which has pitted the court and its programs against the parents while the court assumes the opposite point of view -- these programs, it asserts, are serving the children; nay, the GAL program in particular is a "lifeline" to the children.

We do not approve of "Kids For Cash" in any county, Luzerne, Lackawanna (neighbor to Luzerne) or in any state.

Complaints are nothing new -- but complaining alone is not going to stop any form of "kids for cash."  No one would admit in public to selling children, or parents, or embezzling, or bribing judges or threatening someone to get a desired ruling --- but face it these things sometimes happen -- so there ARE people who are not afraid to collaborate and set up systems to do this in private.

However, when an FBI raids a courthouse, and when two (2) federal lawsuits are filed against practices in a single county -- then timing would seem good to keep the pressure on, and the evidence coming in too.

Two federal lawsuits were filed recently in Pennsylvania Middle District Federal Court, expressing outrage at the manhandling of a custody case (Stefanov) and literal manhandling by sheriffs (about six of them) to round up people with no business before the judge that day, i.e., false imprisonment of citizens (Griffiths).

The local -- and possibly more than local (it's being checked now)-- press has picked up on the story.  

We are looking for genuine feedback, genuine input to how to correct this, and if any of the court professionals involved have time inbetween their supervised (or home) visitations to explain the rationale behind deciding ALL kids need as many court professionals on the case as possible, I'm all ears.

MECHANICS of posting ~ ~ ~

This is just a Blog, meaning until I can get up an "open forum gadget," only blog owner can post.  But to have your say now, just click COMMENT on any post.

It will ask for an ID, so choose from the options.   If you don't have one and are concerned about anonymous, sign up for one of those services, make up a username, and know that only the blog owner gets to see that email.  For example, I have another account, but because my other personal interests (and non-advocacy blogs) are NOYB, the username "Justice Matters!" was born, today.

My teenagers are no longer in the home, and I finished college before the internet explosion, so any social media savvy has been learned on the job, on the fly + by the almost foolproof, trial and error.

Currently I am the only person with access to post, moderate, or change this blog.  I may decide to hand it over to someone else, and if so, will say so.  I have two other active blogs, and this is not my idea of entertainment, nor is it income.


Specifically, none of your business.

Generally,  I am working (as to setting up the blog) with "," i.e. Bruce J. Levine (a parent from the Scranton, PA area) to solicit and save feedback on this issue, particularly from residents in Lackawanna County, parents who have been affected, and others who may know more than what has already been published.

Disclaimer:  FYI I have not personally met Mr. Levine, either Pilchesky, Dr. Stefanov, Ms. Griffiths (or anyone from the area . . . . I am out of state) and have not seen-- to my recall -- any of the paperwork in any Lackawanna County Family Court custody cases except as perhaps posted in the two federal lawsuits.  In general, I do hold a viewpoint on the family courts, but as an individual, my opinion on any open custody case is irrelevant.

I may or may not agree with Mr. Levine on any number of issues in or out of court.  I respect Joe Pilchesky, and Joanne Pilchesky, for the huge effort they put into maintaining Scranton Political Times forum over the years and posting valuable information and encouraging ongoing dialogues on the various ridiculously unnecessary and expensive to parents (and taxpayers) programs being _ _ _ _ _ _ed (fill in the verb) on the area.  Notice that I qualified that respect; their personal issues have affected the stability of the forum, which is another reason for a separate place to post some of this (and I'm sure not the only one around).

Legal Disclaimer:  I'm not an attorney, nor a public employee -- social worker or any other type.  So if you think this is legal advice for which I might be held accountable if it's in error, or doesn't win your custody case, or get the GAL you don't like fired or reprimanded, I feel sorry for you, but that's not my problem!

Further information (not legal advice there, either!) available at two links on top -- these are the larger scope, and resources to understand the problems we're facing from a point of view -- who started all this, why, and how does it work?  (Family Court Matters and The Family Court Franchise System).

"So Whaddaya Want from Me?"

Comments, information, on Lackawanna County FAMILY Court issues, especially relating to the matters raised in the federal lawsuits Stefanov, and Griffiths, and/or FBI investigation of their financing.

FIRST -- read this article, and please DO read the "lawsuit" (complaint) filed on there, and if you haven't, browse the commentary on the first article below, here.

LINKS above include links to some background -- both from the news, and also from the Scranton Political Times, who helped also start exposing the payment history of court professionals.

Comments field is open below.  I will be adding more function to this blog shortly.  Broader information on, which also has a page and some posts specific to LACKAWANNA COUNTY.

Federal Lawsuits and Courtroom Intimidation Tactics debated

I imagine involved parents from the area, know the basic story line, some of its basics in this post.

WELL, Last Fall (2011) The FBI raided the Lackawanna County Courthouse, seeking paperwork on every case assigned to Guardian ad Litem Danielle Ross;

  • WNEP TV  "Family Court Lawsuit during Federal Investigation" Article.  This clip talks about insisting on payments in cash and serious overbilling ($65 for a $20/hr fee. no receipts possible) for supervised visitation (of a mother whose voice sounds like a mouse -- I'm wondering why she's on supervised visitation...).  There are few comments, and when I tried just now, the registration site certificate had expired -- in 2011...
Family Court Lawsuit During Federal Investigation

Family Court Lawsuit During Federal Investigation

While a federal investigation into the Lackawanna County's family court system continues, a Moscow man has filed suit against the court, the county, and the woman who runs a legal program that is supposed to look out for the interests of children in custody dispute

Tensions have obviously been running high, and one Judge Moyle apparently got seriously overstepping her authority, using county sheriffs (the no-OK-with-me Corrale) in early February, 2012 -- among the round-ups were some parents who'd  been protesting court abuse, and/or picketing it (lawfully) weekly, and publicizing some of the more serious concerns on Scranton Political Times, and it's now out, contacted the FBI about this situation.

One of these individuals didn't take the situation lying down, and filed a civil rights violation lawsuit at the federal level.  Bravo for her courage, and good luck with this!

Griffiths v. Lackawanna County et al

 as 3:2012cv00365

Plaintiff: Lindsey Anne Griffiths
Defendants: Lackawanna County, Corey D. O'Brien, James Wanzack, Patrick O'Malley, Lackawanna County Office of the Sheriff and others
Cause Of Action: Civil Rights Act

Another parent (not in that crowd, that I know of) filed a lawsuit on the same GAL, which then got pretty good local press (see "News2012" links, navy blue background, above):

(From JUSTIA dockets listing)

Stefanov v. Ross et al

Filed: March 15, 2012 as 3:2012cv00472
Plaintiff: Michael Stefanov 
Defendants: Danielle Ross, Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County and Lackawanna County
Cause Of Action: Civil Rights Act
Plaintiff:Michael Stefanov 
Defendants:Danielle Ross, Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County and Lackawanna County
Case Number:3:2012cv00472
Filed:March 15, 2012
Court:Pennsylvania Middle District Court
Office:Scranton         Office
Presiding Judge:Unassigned2
Nature of Suit:Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights
As publicized:
  • The Times-Tribune: 

Federal lawsuit filed to dismantle Lackawanna County's guardian ad litem system 

A Moscow psychologist is asking a federal court judge to block Lackawanna County Court from using its system of appointing a third-party lawyer to look out for the interests of children in family court disputes, arguing the system is illegal and unconstitutional.
In a strongly worded, wide-ranging federal lawsuit filed Friday, Michael L. Stefanov, 40, contends the county's guardian ad litem, attorney Danielle M. Ross, repeatedly violated his constitutional rights in a long-running battle with his ex-wife over their son's custody, and the county and the court system let her get away with it.

(Not sure if this is a related article -- will check; sounds like a Luzerne County case)....
  • Judge Allows Additional Defendants in 'Kids-for-Cash' Civil Suit

    The Legal Intelligencer
    March 22, 2012
    A federal judge hearing arguments in the wake of the kids-for-cash scandal has allowed 45 new plaintiffs to enter the suit. 

  • The Legal Intelligencer:

    Lackawanna County Guardian Ad Litem Sued In Federal Court

    The Legal Intelligencer
    March 20, 2012
    A Lackawanna County man has sued the county's guardian ad litem in federal court, along with the Lackawanna County Common Pleas Court, alleging the family court's guardian program deprived litigants of constitutional rights and that the court's sole guardian "thoroughly misunderstood and misapplied her role."

  • Guardian Ad Litem Source of Conflict in Several Family Court Cases

    The Legal Intelligencer
    March 20, 2012
    Since attorney Danielle M. Ross became Lackawanna County's guardian ad litem in 2008, court records show that several litigants and their attorneys petitioned to have Ross removed from their cases

AND . . . . .and...

And -- less publicized in the Legal papers, but still filed in federal court, and related  by association to Ms. Ross:

 (probably related) incident, with a related federal lawsuit to match (see My Viewpoint, to left), when one walks into a courthouse to obtain forms, or to converse, or to support another individual, or for any other "I don't have a hearing today" business -- one should not end up behind a wall of sheriffs, doors blocked, and rounded up to be forced into a courtroom and interrogated by a judge! With or without the above-mentioned (and I gather, pictured) GAL in attendance.

In other words, WHAT??!!??$#@?? was that about? (post will show photographs of armed sheriffs blocking the exit door,  from waist down, the incident prompting the Griffiths lawsuit).

TOPIC: Is Danielle Ross intimidating witnesses?
From Scranton Political Times post by "and justice for all," 3/12/2012, under topic
(= earlier comments, with poster's response in blue):
Joanne Pilchesky wrote:

Does anyone know if Danielle Ross participated in the violation of civil rights situation that took place in Judge Moyle's courtroom last Friday?

Blocking entrance to stairwell Sheriffs detain individuals on 2/12/2012 sometime around 2 pm.
This picture was taken on the second floor of Admin Bldg Family Court. Right near elevators across to entrance of Judge Moyle's courtroom.

And posted the day after the incident, by same username:

free republic wrote:

I heard that Judge Moyle and her tipstaff, lawclerk were present, maybe Donna from court family court admin, and that Ross and a court reporter were there, too.

That is accurate.
Danielle Ross, Donna Iannuzzo and Moyle's law clerk were present.

"Silence always helps the aggressor"   ~Ellie Wiesel~   Holocaust survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald Death Camps
~1986 Nobel Peace Prize Award ~ 

TOPIC: Is Danielle Ross intimidating witnesses (NO, an Associate -- Judge -- was, here!)