Showing posts with label AFCC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AFCC. Show all posts

Monday, April 23, 2012

Blog-Related Announcement. And, Philanthropic Tyranny (cf. Annie E. Casey...)

This is for the people wanting a change of dynamics in LACKAWANNA COUNTY particularly the Family Court Forum:  (reader warning:  this post will probably insult you; which should be taken as a sign of caring -- and hope that it may provoke some change, and help you put up a more targeted fight against the local corruption and systems in place to deprive you of time, life, liberty, property (what's left) and possibly contact with your children.

If that's already happened, and your anger about it is awake (alternative -- go numb and passive), let that anger drive some focus, and also charge up the brains as well -- you'll need them fully operational, to identify (quickly) dead-end approaches, and relationships with fools or time-wastes that could sabotage any mission.

(Go talk to a Marine if the terminology is unclear.  And start thinking in terms of making their and other armed forces sacrifices for something worthwhile -- our USA legal system, and justice protecting freedom.  No justice = no freedom.  Out-come based court proceedings =/= justice, and thats what you have presently.  CHANGE IT, or let that be your legacy to any offspring).

What follows is a "rant."  However, because I've got a lot of good information inside me, from years of these fights, plus awareness of which fights are distractions, it's still I think a good post.

I am active on a number of blogs, a forum or so, and also respond to on-line news articles relating to these topics.  I put a lot of effort into "getting the word out" -- and consider this a public service, while continuing to educate myself on the matters by continuing to research them.

I set up this blog at the specific request of a Scranton, Pennsylvania reform-minded parent, because -- as I'm told -- residents are simply not interested in the larger picture, they want it connected to their own county.  It also had to be really straightforward and simple (understandable -- considering my other blogs), aimed at a "third-grade" reading level.

I regret to inform you that that dog ain't gonna hunt.  And I am looking for a pack, at least, of skilled hunter-gatherers with a quarry in sight, and ready to move on it.

I have done enough groundwork (sorry it's not in powerpoints, outlines, and with enough graphics to make the point).   No one gets convinced of a truth by being spoonfed -- because it wasn't chewed up, eaten, and assimilated to produce some internal insight.

The truths -- when you see them -- are not too complex (they are frightening) -- but it takes work to get the point of seeing the simplicity of patterns.  And anyone who refuses to consider how statewide-nationwide affects Lackwanna-wide is not adult enough -- or ready yet -- to play in the game which is a CHALLENGING one.

There are also no rewards for passive, or unable to process at this time.

The blog will remain up, but I'm pretty much through with it, after this post. I'll be more ready to blog at the other ones this company has been made aware of.

The traffic here is pretty low and I have a feeling that some of it comes not from parents, but from the court personnel I'm reporting on.

Statcounter shows they are searching on a specific judge, by name (i.e., how people come to the site).  I've extended  // stretched my blogging skills to set up a comments & forum feature here, to assemble the links, and keep a post or two coming out.

From what I can see, many parents (how many is unclear) are still hanging out at the Scranton Political Times to watch the circus sideshow of Joe (and his multiple on-line persona) versus Joanne (for all I know -- ditto, though I tend to doubt it).  Occasionally this is redirected into badmouthing individual players in the court arena locally.

That forum is not stable because its owners are warring.  Posts and threads and comments are going up -- and down -- and up -- and down again.   I started a thread called GAL schematics using information any one of these parents could've also grabbed from on-line and posted themselves (the 54 page powerpoint showing how the Auto-GAL situation was set up).

It appears that Mr. Pilchesky, in addition to his exposing corruption locally in this manner (and I admit that he has) and supporting his romantic partner in court hearings, castigating people who screw up the case (whether judge or attorney) and so forth -- is intending to use some of this buzz and publicity to write a book as well.

I know some people are following the overall material (from private messages).

This is for the people wanting a change of dynamics in LACKAWANNA COUNTY particularly the Family Court Forum:

  • The personnel who set up Unified Courts, change the justice system into dispensing parenting classes and other therapy, and have been extorting you for so long -- are doing so with reasoning that is about the level of a third-grader mentality (which that GAL presentation shows).

  • They are not independent thinkers but smart enough to follow their own who simply repeat the same material over and over again in very slightly different forms with perhaps a degree thrown in for effect.

  • They are experts at forming nonprofit front groups to make themselves look more "right" and bigger than they are.  This is done in the animal kingdom through hair or feathers to frighten of competitors or enemies.

Friday, April 6, 2012

"New Rules for Juveniles" -- Each new Crisis Benefits a Pre-Planned Agenda

I hope to keep this post short, after picking up on an article inbetween the verbal sparring and put-downs over at Scranton PT.

The news article highlights a group people should know about:
Juvenile Law Center, "Advancing the rights and well-being of children in jeopardy."

I doubt any crooks (should such exist) running some of the programs parents are protesting have much to fear if that's all they do -- fight each other, and complain about the individuals.  Right now, the FBI can't be seen for dust in the matter (that I'm aware of) and the mainstream media is taking the mainstream/expert point of view.

However,  obviously some fear exists because of the "courthouse roundup" behavior by Judge Margaret Moyle in February 2012, a clear attempt to intimidate protesting locals and make sure they don't bond with any straggling NEW customers about to sign onto the automatic GAL system.

As an outsider, I grab onto clues that for some reason, others are simply not picking up on.  Or at least biting into.

A MAJOR one came from a simple pdf submitted by one of (over 200) comments on the Times-Tribune article about the federal lawsuit.  That's how I found out that the organization "NACC" (National Association of Counsel for Children) -- which I already knew (but not before participating on this forum) was hooked up with AFCC, who basically runs the courts with some help from their friends.  NACC/AFCC was clear enough connection (they'd conferenced together and have common membership right within Lackawanna County.  The GAL people are upset about (when, instead they should be more upset about the system itself) is an NACC member.

So, "Scranton Prof" mentioned a group called "CAI" (Children's Advocate Institute) which is San Diego based, and connected with First Star (Washington D.C. based) and (per the author of has apparently some ties into some of the "Justice for Children" (Eileen King et. al) personnel that "Mothers of Lost Children" and "Centers for Judicial Excellence" have some dealing with.  Who (some of the above) helped take the Linda Marie Sacks case (Florida) up to Superior Court USA where it was rebuffed.  Note:  with great fanfare and not a single mention of the AFCC's ties to supervised visitation racket, i.e.,  reporting on what I report on here -- these nonprofits.

It took a little while -- not exceeding much time -- to figure out approximately where this CAI group was coming in.  They are concerned about poor abused children and believe that assigning more counsel to children in almost any kind of hearing (NOT just dependency hearings for abused kids) will help the children.  This is pretty much what NACC says.