There are many ways to shut down rational discussion, one of which is by unsupported accusations, as follows. Another one is by bringing the conversation to an antagonistic debate with no winners because there's no verifiable information to those on the sidelines. Another is by "triangulating" (example below) by splitting the debate into pro or con of "me -- or her!"
It's selfish, and there are some narcissistic elements in this one. this is not a team player. In the interchanges (boxes below) one can read two posters: Joe P. and "Investigating Family Curts" who is the cheerleader, reflecting an off-line liaison.
Until Mr. Pilchesky can make up his mind whether this is a public forum or his personal platform to get at his wife, with the help of his "paramour" (his words), I think on-the-topic, rational discussion may have to happen elsewhere, and I have better things to do with my awake thought-life than deal with it.
And I don't want to continue contributing to the daily "hits" and promote the site. I've saved most of my own postings on it anyhow.
RE: Below posts from March, 2012:
If Joanne did silence a full 2,700 posters (any number of which may have been multiple personalities/usernames of Joe, or maybe were not -- but we don't know which) -- this number may have been matched by previous postings of smut, chauvinist remarks to dissidents (including myself), and attempts to derail the conversation through changing the topic to the relationship between the sexes.
There is indeed a major thread missing on the forum -- the Kids 4 Cash thread, a huge one, which talks about Danielle Ross and has posted some of her details. I also believe that Joanne was afraid that this thread might have been trashed or deleted by Joe once he got a court order to regain access to the forum, post PFA where he was thrown out of his residence = her house.
I believe it will surface again, but if people were activist enough, they'd have processed the information, saved what mattered to them, and figured out a way to act on it. Maybe several did!
No one likes to believe one has wasted one's time disseminating links and info (case the bread upon the waters, etc.) and I don't think I did -- but there are ways to cut one's losses. Hopefully one gets better and faster at this with time, which helps with business success. Theoretically.
Exhibits first, summary, below:
What we have below is an interchange between what appears to be the current king of the mountain and Scranton Political Times (a message board, forum in existence since 2005 -- not without a legal fight to get it back up after it was improperly shut down, either).
In late 2011, the Pilchesky domestic matters came to a head, and while it's been portrayed as a blow-for-blow engagement, I don't believe that's the best description.
I got in the middle for only four months of this, and quit the forum (deleted my account) after reading this next post. There was more context behind it, but this is the basics. The "ROI" of staying involved simply wasn't high enough. And when dealing with this level of personality/"narcissism" (?), my idea is, don't further feed the thing!